Empowering Individuals and Corporates to Elevate their Career and Business Success.
The International Training Institute (ITI) is a leading institution offering professional courses to individuals and corporates. Conducted by professional experts, these courses aim to enhance participants' career prospects and business levels. With a focus on practical application and a global perspective, ITI equips learners with valuable skills and knowledge. Moreover, ITI provides the flexibility to conduct training at the business location or in their well-equipped center.
Our Training Courses:
Business Management Skills
Business Communication Skills
Business Innovation Skills
Customer service Course
Decision Making Skills
Executive Secretary Skills
Principles of Management
Problem Solving Skills
Team Building Skills
Change Management Skills
Classroom Management
Human Resorce Management
Facility Management
Management Skills
Office Management skills
Operations Management skills
Performance Management Skills
Procurement Management Skills
Hospitality Management Skills
Project Management PMP
Quality Management
Stress Management Skills
Time Management Skills
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Delivered Success to
100+ Clients over the years.