Computer & Network Security
Certified Training Course.
Network security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator. Users choose or are assigned an ID and password or other authenticating information that allows them access to information and programs within their authority.
Computer Network Security consists of the provisions and policies adopted by a network administrator to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator. Users choose or are assigned an ID and password or other authenticating information that allows them access to information and programs within their authority.
Computer Network Fundamentals
1.2 Computer Network Models
1.3 Computer Network Types
1.4 Data Communication Media Technology
1.5 Network Topology
1.6 Network Connectivity and Protocols
1.7 Network Services
1.8 Network Connecting Devices
1.9 Network Technologies
Understanding Computer Network Security
2.2 Securing the Computer Network
2.3 Forms of Protection
2.4 Security Standards
Security Threats to Computer Networks
3.2 Sources of Security Threats
3.3 Security Threat Motives
3.4 Security Threat Management
3.5 Security Threat Correlation
3.6 Security Threat Awareness
Computer Network Vulnerabilities
4.2 Sources of Vulnerabilities
4.3 Vulnerability Assessment
Cyber Crimes and Hackers
5.2 Cyber Crimes
5.3 Hackers
5.4 Dealing with the Rising Tide of Cyber Crimes
Hostile Scripts
6.2 Introduction to the Common Gateway Interface
6.3 CGI Scripts in a Three-Way Handshake
6.4 Server: CGI Interface
6.5 CGI Script Security Issues
6.6 Web Script Security Issues
6.7 Dealing with the Script Security Problems
6.8 Scripting Languages
Security Assessment, Analysis, and Assurance
7.2 System Security Policy
7.3 Building a Security Policy
7.4 Security Requirements Specification
7.5 Threat Identification
7.6 Threat Analysis
7.7 Vulnerability Identification and Assessment
7.8 Security Certification
7.9 Security Monitoring and Auditing
7.10 Products and Services
Disaster Management
8.2 Disaster Prevention
8.3 Disaster Response
8.4 Disaster Recovery
8.5 Make Your Business Disaster Ready
8.6 Resources for Disaster Planning and Recovery
Access Control and Authorization
9.2 Access Rights
9.3 Access Control Systems
9.4 Authorization
9.5 Types of Authorization Systems
9.6 Authorization Principles
9.7 Authorization Granularity
9.8 Web Access and Authorization
10.2 Multiple Factors and Effectiveness of Authentication
10.3 Authentication Elements
10.4 Types of Authentication
10.5 Authentication Methods
10.6 Developing an Authentication Policy
11.2 Symmetric Encryption
11.3 Public-Key Encryption
11.4 Enhancing Security: Combining Symmetric
11.5 Key Management: Generation, Transportation, & Distribution
11.6 Public-Key Infrastructure
11.7 Lightweight Directory Access Protocols (LDAP)
11.8 Role of Cryptography in Communication
11.9 Hash Function
11.10 Digital Signatures
12.2 Types of Firewalls
12.3 Configuration and Implementation of a Firewall
12.4 The Demilitarized Zone
12.5 Improving Security Through the Firewall
12.6 Firewall Forensics
12.7 Firewall Services and Limitations
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